Tech-Art Advanced Course
Coming soon
學習生成式人工智能工具的應用,包含自動建構場景及角色模型、A.I. 動作捕捉等等,透過AfterEffects將其合成,創作一條富有電影感的A.I. 3D動畫短片。
Tech-Art Advanced Course
VR 遊戲體驗工作坊
Coming soon
適合 "零經驗" 或 "有興趣認識VR技術"及有興趣 "開發VR遊戲" 的人士參加。
Continuing & Professional
Training Courses
Various introductory and professional Creative Arts training courses are available for both students and working professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the process and techniques of multi-media art creation and enhance their ability of art creation and put it into practice.
The course enables the students to learn, utilize and sharpen their professional skills for the workplace and prepares them for the career of various professions in digital media.
出發前往全新的創作模式! 創科X藝術夏令營2023
Act Plus holds thematic seminars to give teachers and students a more comprehensive understanding of the development of the creative industry. We aim to enhance the knowledge of young people building the brand of animation and video games, the need for equipment, career pathways and career ladders etc. We also provide introductory courses (beginner/ intermediate amateur classes) specifically arranged on your school’s availability to give students exposure to animation/ digital art creation training. At these exploratory stages, students can build up the foundation in such fields.
If your school is interested in inviting our on-site seminars or programs, please contact our staff at 6152 4964. For details, please email
Tailored Training Programs for
Youth Organizations and Schools
Internship Program
Act Plus provides on-the-job training and career development opportunities for trainees to learn and put their knowledge and skills into practice through internship programs. Also, the trainees can understand the workplace culture and the dynamics of the industry.
Participants can gain hands-on experience in their professional field, learn essential job skills and build their network. These experiences and competencies will help students improve their practical skills and competitiveness, preparing them for future career development.